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Interrogare il DNS

  • dig Linux man page Linux command for interacting with web servers, used in one of the Colab notebooks above.
  • Online DNS Lookup Webapp for interacting with name servers (a sort of dig on line). Specify query (name and type) and name server IP address.
  • The exact same operations of dig can be performed with nslookup, which is available in both Linux and Windows (with some differences between the two platforms). The syntax and output of nslookup is different from that of dig. Search for a tutorial if you are interested.

Gestione domini

Argomenti non inclusi nel programma del corso.

  • The Internet Domain Name System Explained for Non-Experts Una descrizione di come è realizzato il DNS (come interagiscono i name server tra loro e molto altro).
  • Root Name Servers The 13 root name servers are operated by 12 independent organisations.
    • Each IP address used for root name servers actually corresponds to many different servers, thanks to a technology called anycast that we will not study in this course (thus the number of root name servers is much greater than 13). This interaction with ChatGPT provides an overview of how anycast works.
  • Root Name Servers Traffic Count of queries made to root name servers (daily averages): They are in the order of hundreds of billions queries every day.

Can I block the DNS in an entire nation?

Robustness analysis of DNS paths and web access paths in public administration websites

In this paper we examine the dependence of a large set of public administration websites on DNS entities for four different countries: Italy, Germany, UK and US. We collected the dependencies of those websites from DNS zones, nameservers, networks and assessed the potential global impact of localized attacks on those entities:

  • How many websites could be affected, whether in name resolution or web server access, by an attack on a single zone, nameserver, network?
  • How prevalent is the usage of groups of IP addresses, networks for providing redundancy? How many websites could be affected by an attack to one of those groups?